Time & Place

Practices are 1.5 hrs long:  30m of dryland and 60m of swim time.  For White A group, Dryland is usually before swim time.  For white B group, Swimmers should arrive ready to swim, wearing suits under dryland clothes.  Clothes should be loose-fitting, so they can be taken off and put on quickly when wet.  Locker room use will be limited to ablutions, and changing after practice only.   Bring dryland gear AND swim gear to all practices.

Pool Locations & Logistics

Juanita Aquatic Center  


Redmond Pool  


Strattonwood Swim Club 


Juanita  Drop-off & Pick-up

For practices that start in the pool, drop swimmers off out front.  For practices that start with dryland, you can drop swimmers off beside the Juanita HS field house.  Feel free to walk swimmers over.  Pick-up will always be out front.

No parking or leaving car in the loading zone

Redmond  Drop-off & Pick-up

Families can either use the pickup circle or the back parking lot by the tennis courts for both drop off and pickup.  When using the pickup circle, pull to the curb and load quickly.   Do not block traffic, double park anyone or park in the loading zone and leave car. Redmond has a very  small lot (~12 cars), and one car can turn the flow-through into a parking lot for the next 20 cars!  

Strattonwood  Drop-off & Pick-up

Drop-off and Pick-up by parking in the pool lot  (green square).  To exit parking lot, turn North on 139th and loop around to leave neighborhood.   This helps team traffic flow.  If we clog up the neighborhood, we will lose access to the pool!   This has nearly happened several times!  

Several groups use the pool simultaneously, so please  vacate the lot during practice if needed by other families.   

Watching Practice


Families are welcome to watch practice from the upstairs balcony on the first set of bleachers only. This is true even if the rope partition is not set up.  Families must remain off the pool deck at all times. Head to your car, and athletes will head out when done.


Families are not allowed inside the building during practice (including lobby). ...  But the building has lots of windows!   Just don't creep the swimmers out. 


Only swimmers and coaches are allowed in the pool during practice, bit it is an outdoor pool so feel free to watch from the fence.  

Dryland Fashion Guide

When Dryland is Before Pool time, swimmers should arrive wearing suits under dryland clothes (including running shoes!).

When Dryland is After Pool Time, swimmers put dryland clothes on over their suits.  They are welcome to use locker rooms to change, but if they take longer than 10m, they don't get full attendance credit for that day. 

For B group, Dryland is usually after pool time, because we have back-to-back pool times for A and B groups, and coaches are on deck with A group before B group starts.  At Strattonwood, we can flip the script  because both Dryland and Pool time happen in the same area, and coaches can keep an eye on both without leaving the pool area.  This is especially nice as the locker rooms at Strattonwood are a bit smaller and colder, and kids risk building too much character on colder days! 

Filming or taking pictures of practice is not allowedThis is a team-wide rule, regardless of group or pool.

Need to Miss Practice?

It is alright to miss practices from time to time.  Wave's 'Sport' track (Black->White->Purple...)  is designed for kids with busy schedules - even multiple sports on the go.   Several swimmers in the group have regular weekly schedule conflicts, and it's not a problem.  But if swimmers miss a practice, then they will be a bit behind the group at the following practice!  Swimming is a technique intensive sport, and we tend to do a lot of skill progressions, so it's not just physical fitness that you will be missing.  That's why we call it 'practice', not just 'workout' or 'training'.  

*Attendance is taken every practice, and is an important factor in Move Up decisions. 

Google Calendars

Subscribe!  These are the most reliable, up-to-date schedules and event information.  

How to subscribe without a Google Account

Regular Schedule Changes

Wave tries to keep schedules as consistent as possible so swimmers can plan activities around practice times, far into the future.   If larger schedule changes are unavoidable we try to provide extra lead time for families to adapt.  There are several times through the year when schedules are likely to change:  

Beginning of September – Start of the School Year and our largest 'Move Up' always means a new Schedule for all groups

New Year -  Schedule change for a few swimmers that 'Move Up' on January 1

Mid February – Possible Schedule 'shuffle' at the end of High School Swim Season.  

Early April -  Schedule change for a few swimmers that 'Move Up' after Short Course Season. 

Mid-May Possible Schedule shuffle when Colman Pool opens and Strattonwood closes (Summer League). 

End of June – Possible Schedule shuffle for the end of the School Year

Best & Worst Vacation Times

In general, it is best to take vacations just after championship meets and before move-ups.   Taking a break before a meet or after a move-up is a great way to miss out on group momentum.    From best to worst times to take a vacation: