DIY Practice

Going to be missing practice?  Want a little extra challenge?   Travelling and want to keep in shape in the hotel pool?  Here are some great dryland and pool workouts to bridge the gap!    Some of the videos are actually good fun, with great explanations, demonstrations, music and inset video that shows what swim skill it helps with. 

Skill Set

We often do a set I call  "4-3-2-1"  for  skill work with various drills / sendoffs.

4x25 @ :45    Drill 

3x50 @1:20  Drill/Swim

2x25 @1:00  Swim - Count strokes  (how low can you go?) 

1x50 @2:00  Swim - Count Strokes  (each length)

DRILLS  that swimmers may know:  

Free:  Side-Glide,  Catchup,  Zipper,  Fingertip drag,  Long-Axis combo (4 Back, 4 Free, 4 back....)

Back:  Robot back,  Laneline pull-push,  6-kick-switch,  L-arm,  Hi-dri-Shoulder

Breast:  Scull-pull,  Hiccup breathing,  Pull-Kick-Glide-Kick-Glide (aka. KKP),  Fold-Shrug-Shoot recovery

Fly:  Hi-dri-hands/shoulders/hips/feet,  4 kicks per stroke,  Dolphin kicks on Front/Side/Back/Side

Others: Kickboard surfing (with fins),  Body surfing,  corkscrew kicks.  

Many of these will work best with fins / gear, but most will work without! 

Aerobic Challenge Sets

Stroke Count vs. Fatigue

Choice stroke:  

25  @ 1:00 

50  @ 1:45

75  @ 2:15 

100 @ 2:45

150 @ 3:45

Every length, swimmer is limited to the number of strokes (below), then Doggie Paddle to the wall  (DP: head out of water, hands underwater).   The goal is to get as far as possible with the strokes, because doggie paddle is hard!   

Free: 12 strokes  (then doggie paddle)

Back: 14 strokes  (then doggie paddle)

Breast:  9 strokes  (then doggie paddle) 

Fly: 10 strokes  (then doggie paddle)

Speede Breathe Limbo  *25y pool or shorter

9x25  @ 1:10.   Free  or   1-arm Fly 

#1:  8  breaths to get across 

#2:  7  breaths to get across


#6:  3  breaths to get across + 1 Fin

#7:  2  breaths to get across + 1 Fin

#8:  1  breath to get across    + 2 Fins

#9:  0  breaths to get across  + 2 Fins

Both of these sets can be done with minimal gear and a range of pool types / sizes.  They are designed to encourage efficient stroke, even at speed, even when tired.  Feel free to modify, or mix and match strokes for either set!  Have fun with it.  

Dry:  Core Stability

Time: 10 minutes

Equipment:  Yoga mat

Dry:  Shoulder & Core

Time: 11 minutes

Equipment:  Yoga mat,  pullbuoy (or similar sized object) 

Dry: Ankle Mobility

Time: 12 minutes

Equipment:  Yoga mat, Foam roller (optional)